Workaround for MDLX files in Microsoft Flight Simulator World Update 6

It took quite some time – longer than I have hoped and initial planed – but now we are proud to present you with the latest AI Manager Update and a full set of model updates for MSFS. AI Manager As already mentioned in the Development Updates from the past we have focused on the…
Today we will have a look at the handcrafted Airports of World Update 9 in MSFS. The airports have been checked against the basic design guidelines required to handle AI Traffic at these airports. LICJ – Palermo Airport Taxiway-/Path Network There seems to a Hold Short issue at Runway 25, causing AI to stop at…
Today we will have a look at the handcrafted Airports of World Update 11 in MSFS. The airports have been checked against the basic design guidelines required to handle AI Traffic at these airports. CYBD – Bella Coola Airport Taxiway-/Path Network The airport has a basic taxiway-network allowing airplanes to taxi around. There is no…
Since the last update on AI Traffic in MSFS we at AIG have done some more work and I would like to get you an update on the current situation (only new stuff/changes are included). Live Traffic (Online AI Traffic – Default MSFS) Not much has changed (basically nothing) regarding live AI Traffic. The only…
First of all, a huge welcome to Aerosoft for joining the AI Traffic party in MSFS, Simple Traffic is a great product for XBOX users and users that just want traffic in their Sim and do not care about the details provided by the current AIG AI Manager Beta. With the release of now two…