Message I am getting when injecting traffic: " AIGTC is unable to find the current SimConnect-connection. Make sure you are connected before injecting traffic".
where should I look, or what steps do I need to take to . (3) versions of simconnect are installed. Any guidance is much appreciated.
what Sim and please post the logs
I am using the MSFS2020 Microsoft "store" version.
Not sure about your logs request. Can you guide me please.
Are you referring to this one?
in the main AIGTC (the location of the EXE) are multiple TXT files, upload all here
Here you go. All (5) logs from the AIGTC.
Appreciate your assistance Kaiii3
Quote from: Frenchy55 on November 16, 2021, 09:05:01 PM
Here you go. All (5) logs from the AIGTC.
Appreciate your assistance Kaiii3
SU6 Version of MSFS installed?
I am using the latest updated version of MSFS 2020 - Version SU6 - ( with no issues .
The SIM is operating without any issues. No CTD's ,
I go back to "simconnect" ? what am I missing? I have (3) versions installed.
Is it a firewall issue? An anti-virus program? Do i require FSUIPC?
Help appreciated.
Quote from: Frenchy55 on November 17, 2021, 12:33:17 PM
I am using the latest updated version of MSFS 2020 - Version SU6 - ( with no issues .
The SIM is operating without any issues. No CTD's ,
I go back to "simconnect" ? what am I missing? I have (3) versions installed.
Is it a firewall issue? An anti-virus program? Do i require FSUIPC?
Help appreciated.
SimConnect is provided by AIGTC and should connect directly with MSFS. Since this is the first report of this issue i am sure it is system related... Lets wait till SU7 if it gets fixd/repaired automatically if not I would suggest to report this on ZenDesk
When it says to please "connect simconnect" before injecting traffic?
What does this mean? How would one do this 'connecting" simconnect that is.?
Is it possible that the msfs2020 flight sim is not allowing for communication to other programs?
I will wait as you say until SU7 this Thursday , and see if any changes. I'll keep you posted and thank you again for your help Kaiii3
Today I updated the Sim version, and everything went well. No issues.
However that said, the AIG Controller is still showing "Connecting".??
Nothing on the maps , and when I attempt to inject Traffic , i get a
message that says.." AIGTC is unable to find current SimConnect-Connection. Make sure you are connected before injecting traffic!"
Where can I look , to resolve this issue?
Anyone that can advise is appreciated . Terribly frustrating.
running on the same system or via network?
Running on the same system.
Microsoft Store version (xbox) online. All updated with current SU
For some reason the AIG controller can't find/locate the simConnect , in order to inject traffic.
I have downloaded several airlines, and they appear on the SIM , but no movement of aircraft showing. (Arrival/Departures etc)
Only stationary parked aircraft at gates.
SimConnect appears to be the one cause that the controller keeps referring to. Puzzled. Appreciate the help