Alpha India Group

Alpha India Group => TC - Support => AIG Traffic Controller => AIG Software => TC Solved Issues => Topic started by: regnaD kciN on November 19, 2021, 08:21:09 AM

Title: [CLOSED] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: regnaD kciN on November 19, 2021, 08:21:09 AM
After updating, I put the OCI folder back in the Community folder and ran AIGTC.  It opened, did the usual loading routine, and opened the regular map window.  Started MSFS, set up a flight, and went back to the AIGTC window to inject traffic.  When I opened the window, the message at the bottom indicated it was connected...but with a simulator time of all ones or zeros (something like 0001. - don't remember the exact format, but it was clearly not even remotely close to the simulator time for the flight I had set up, either for the local time zone or UTC) and the window was frozen.  Couldn't move the map, couldn't go to the settings screen -- all I could do was exit AIGTC.  Shut down MSFS and tried all the steps again, with the exact same result.

Anyone else having this problem?
Title: Re: AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: Kaiii3 on November 19, 2021, 08:36:52 AM
Title: Re: AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: AnkH on November 19, 2021, 10:16:22 AM
Works as before on my end..
Title: Re: AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: zathrus63 on November 19, 2021, 10:55:16 AM
Works for me just fine. Second flight of the day with full AIG-TC traffic and no issues. Sorry you are having problems.
Title: Re: AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: arniex on November 19, 2021, 11:27:51 AM
don't have the problem that it doesn't work but the application suddenly closes, I see the traffic and it looks good and then:
I must add that I have also updated FSUIPC to the latest version.
message in FSUIPC log window: ***restarting traffic scanning due to non-reception***.
Log file attached !

Name of the faulty application: AIGTech - Traffic Controller.exe, version:, timestamp: 0x9dcafb2a.
Name of the corrupt module: clr.dll, version: 4.8.4420.0, timestamp: 0x6109cbc8
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000058dd5
ID of the faulty process: 0x1f7c
Start time of the faulty application: 0x01d7dd2d29b3ed63
Path of the faulty application: F:\FS2020_Tools\AIG_TrafficController_0.5.0.5\AIGTech - Traffic Controller.exe.
Path of the faulty module: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll
Berichtskennung: 54d0c210-84d4-43a4-9ff7-761f4cf5991b
Full name of the corrupted package:
Application ID relative to the corrupted package:
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: arniex on November 19, 2021, 01:38:12 PM

after restarting the AIG TC in flight - without error until the end.
I didn't have this before - before SU7 - not a single error (except for the known MSFS bugs, but even those were rare for me).
I find the tool really incredibly good, it adds so much immersion to MSFS.
I don't know now if it is due to the FSUIPC update, or the combination of SU7 and FSUIPC or simply SU7!
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: Kaiii3 on November 19, 2021, 01:40:12 PM
try without FSUIPC
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: arniex on November 19, 2021, 01:44:55 PM
ok thank you, I´ll try - it could be simple a simconnect issue ! but like I said, had quite long flights the last few days (before SU7) - didn't have a single glitch !
Title: Re: AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: regnaD kciN on November 19, 2021, 11:26:08 PM
Quote from: Kaiii3 on November 19, 2021, 08:36:52 AM
Not sure how to find them -- the manual for TC doesn't mention anything.
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: johanfrc on November 19, 2021, 11:39:28 PM
They are in the folder where the exe-file is located.
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: regnaD kciN on November 19, 2021, 11:57:19 PM
Just found them.  This was after I ran TC again (at which point it updated to, then ran MSFS and got the exact same result.  Am enclosing the most recent log -- as you can see, it loads everything up, connects to the sim, and then issues several "Throw Exception: 7" messages followed by dozens of "Throw Exception:3."
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: regnaD kciN on November 20, 2021, 12:43:50 AM
Since then, I rebooted my system and ran everything again.  Same result, except, this time, the log only shows five "Throw Exception: 7" errors and, when I gave up and exited MSFS, it appears AIGTC crashed/closed automatically.
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: regnaD kciN on November 20, 2021, 12:59:43 AM
I guess I was supposed to include all the log files?  Here they are.

(I should also note, having reviewed a few of the posts above, that I don't have FSUIPC, so that can't be a contributing cause.)
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: regnaD kciN on November 20, 2021, 01:26:31 AM
And here's another data point, which may be significant.

Based on what someone had posted in a similar thread I started on AVSim, I tried loading MSFS first then, when I was in the flight, starting AIGTC.  Initially, it seemed like the result would be the same, as I wound up with a blank map screen with the incorrect sim time.  However, this time, I was able to click on "Settings" and, instead of getting no response as before, I was able to click on the button, the panel shifted to the settings screen, and the sim time reset itself to what appeared to be the proper time.  I was able to click on "inject traffic," at which point, I went to the map screen, scrolled down to my location (KLAX) and found a large number of aircraft supposedly there -- however, when I returned to the sim and took the drone camera up to scan the airport, there were no aircraft to be seen, even after waiting several minutes.  Am enclosing the log files, which seemed to show some interesting errors.
Title: Re: [OPEN] AIG Traffic Controller no longer working for me post-SU7
Post by: regnaD kciN on November 20, 2021, 09:08:04 AM
I'm going to add an additional update, although I'm not sure if I have the whole situation understood just yet.

The last two times I have run MSFS, AIGTC has (finally) connected.  I say "finally" because, each time, when I open the AIGTC window after loading my flight, it is still unresponsive and displaying the incorrect sim time...but, if I click on the "Settings" button and wait several minutes, AIGTC will suddenly jump to that screen, display the correct sim time, and be able to inject traffic.

However, I'm not sure it is simply a matter of waiting.  The first time I encountered this, when I first clicked the "Settings" button, the title bar displayed the standard Windows "(Not Responding)" message for some time, then it went away and everything came alive, as one might expect a program that suddenly started responding to do.  However, the second time, I didn't get that message, or any other indication that AIGTC wasn't responsive.  However, after I moved the window about the screen, minimized it, normalized it again, alt-tabbed between it, MSFS, and a directory window I had open, then it came to life again.  I honestly have no idea if any of those actions contributed to it suddenly responding again.

I doubt any logs from this session will shed any light on what's going on, but I'll include them anyway.