Alpha India Group

Alpha India Group => TC - Support => AIG Traffic Controller => AIG Software => TC Solved Issues => Topic started by: and178schwarz on November 19, 2021, 10:28:04 AM

Title: [SOLVED] Traffic controller fails to load aigfp filightplans generated by AIM
Post by: and178schwarz on November 19, 2021, 10:28:04 AM
Dear all.

After installing and testing at airports in germany I cannot get the Traffic controller to inject Traffic into MSFS.
It does not appear to be an issue with connection - The "Map" window shows generic ground traffic - but with loading FlightPlans (The 3 Lufthansa variants and started at EDDF in my case).
Log files do indicate:
Load AIGFP Data
   Directory: F:\FS2020\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\Traffic Files/AIGFP
   Files: 3
F:\FS2020\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\Traffic Files/AIGFP\Traffic_AIG_LufthansaCargo_Summer_2019v2.aigfp
Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei AIGTech.Common.Flightplans.FlightplanLoader.LoadFromAIGFP(CombinedDB combinedDB, AirportDB airportDB, String location, FlightplanLoadingType loadingType, FlightplanConfiguration flightplanConfiguration)
   bei AIGTech.Common.Flightplans.FlightplanLoader.LoadFromAIGFP(CombinedDB combinedDB, AirportDB airportDB, String location)
   bei AIGTech.TrafficController.Controller.TCController.<>c__DisplayClass43_1.<loadAIGFPData>b__9(Object s, DoWorkEventArgs args)
F:\FS2020\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\Traffic Files/AIGFP\Traffic_AIG_LufthansaRegional_Summer_2019v2.aigfp
Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei AIGTech.Common.Flightplans.FlightplanLoader.LoadFromAIGFP(CombinedDB combinedDB, AirportDB airportDB, String location, FlightplanLoadingType loadingType, FlightplanConfiguration flightplanConfiguration)
   bei AIGTech.Common.Flightplans.FlightplanLoader.LoadFromAIGFP(CombinedDB combinedDB, AirportDB airportDB, String location)
   bei AIGTech.TrafficController.Controller.TCController.<>c__DisplayClass43_1.<loadAIGFPData>b__9(Object s, DoWorkEventArgs args)
F:\FS2020\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\Traffic Files/AIGFP\Traffic_AIG_Lufthansa_Summer_2019v4.aigfp
Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei AIGTech.Common.Flightplans.FlightplanLoader.LoadFromAIGFP(CombinedDB combinedDB, AirportDB airportDB, String location, FlightplanLoadingType loadingType, FlightplanConfiguration flightplanConfiguration)
   bei AIGTech.Common.Flightplans.FlightplanLoader.LoadFromAIGFP(CombinedDB combinedDB, AirportDB airportDB, String location)
   bei AIGTech.TrafficController.Controller.TCController.<>c__DisplayClass43_1.<loadAIGFPData>b__9(Object s, DoWorkEventArgs args)

Any suggestions on how to fix?

Thx in advance
Title: Re: Traffic controller fails to load aigfp filightplans generated by AIGMmanager
Post by: Kaiii3 on November 19, 2021, 10:33:24 AM
kill ZIP in <AIGTC>\Resources
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Traffic controller fails to load aigfp filightplans generated by AIM
Post by: and178schwarz on November 19, 2021, 11:44:04 AM
Easy fix.
Works like a charm.
I have traffic!
Thx very much.