Like several other people have posted, I have the problem of traffic disappearing within a couple of minutes after the last update. I have read that you suggest a further download and to "try again". I am not a young person anymore and not very techie I'm afraid. Would you be kind enough to tell me in very plain terms exactly what files to move and exactly where to put them please. I'm in P3D v5.4 and I have AIG installed on my D drive with P3d on my E drive. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Best regards.
Malcolm Hancock
What you need to do, is to download the file mentioned in other topics. Open the zip-file and select all the files. Press CTRL+C top copy the files.
Then you open the folder where AIG Traffic Controller is located, and press CTRL+V to paste the files into the folder. Then say yes to overwrite the all files.
Hello again.
Well I followed your instructions to the letter and I still have the same problem. I even uninstalled and reinstalled from scratch,(it took me a hole day !), but with no joy. It is evident that others are suffering this problem as well since the last update. I was just wondering,(with respect), if you folks are working on a fix or further update to solve this issue. It's amazing how the emersion is lost in P3D without your wonderful product. Thanks again for your kind consideration.
Malcolm Hancock