Would it be possible to add a ICAO_Airline= line in AIM under Aircraft --> Installed?
That will make it easier to add ICAO_Airline= codes if it's missing, and will be helpful to users who are using e.g. PSXT or the standard Live Traffic in MSFS.
Hi Johan, can you clarify with a screenshot? Not entirely sure what you mean. I am using MSFS with AIG models and FSLTL so interested :)
Something like this:
Nice suggestion!
That is a great idea! Often it's missing entirely or has a fake entry like BJO etc.
BJO will get removed from ICAO_Airline with the next AIM update, it was added by default because it is "dummy" ICAO Code we use in some flightplans for those operators.
Regarding the extra "text-block" - will come soon as well
That is great news! Thank you!