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Installation success?

Started by Konkorol, May 17, 2019, 07:31:24 AM

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Is there anywhere in the program a feature or option to list the installed flightplans and if the installation was successful or not?

Yesterday I installed a bulk of flightplans and made a fault while selecting the aircraft model in one flightplan. I own the FSP A330, but so far not updated to v1.3 which is called by AIM-OCI. My v1.2 was not selectable.

The installation continued but without that single aircraft model. A feedback of success or no/with errors in the installed list would be very helpful.

Love It, Change It or Leave It.
It's just fine the way it is...
Dieter / HankyPanky


Quote from: Konkorol on May 17, 2019, 07:31:24 AM
Is there anywhere in the program a feature or option to list the installed flightplans and if the installation was successful or not?

Yesterday I installed a bulk of flightplans and made a fault while selecting the aircraft model in one flightplan. I own the FSP A330, but so far not updated to v1.3 which is called by AIM-OCI. My v1.2 was not selectable.

The installation continued but without that single aircraft model. A feedback of success or no/with errors in the installed list would be very helpful.


In v9 you can see missing Fltsims via Flightplans->Missing Titles. There you see a list of Titles that are not installed but are part in the BGL. Sometimes they can not be fixed because no repiant in online, but in many cases you see here the repiants you should reinstall. Todo this remove the Flightsim (kepp the Fltsims) and reinstall it, during the process the missing repaitns will be installed.

But yes, we will rework the feedback after the installtion in one of the next versions :)


Thanks Kai, this is at least a first approach.

Hope there will be a more meaningful feature in one of the next versions ;-)
Love It, Change It or Leave It.
It's just fine the way it is...
Dieter / HankyPanky



I have also a (short) list of titles but what do you exactly mean with this and what do I have exactly to do ??

Todo this remove the Flightsim (kepp the Fltsims) and reinstall it, during the process the missing repaitns will be installed.


Quote from: LionAir on July 01, 2019, 09:35:23 PM

I have also a (short) list of titles but what do you exactly mean with this and what do I have exactly to do ??

Todo this remove the Flightsim (kepp the Fltsims) and reinstall it, during the process the missing repaitns will be installed.

in the main window, right click on the flightplan -> delete. You will be ask if you want to keep the fltsims or delete them. After that run an online check and reinstall the airline