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[SOLVED] Question about Log TrafficController.txt file

Started by Berend, November 17, 2021, 03:57:06 PM

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Hi all,

Is Traffic Controller working in the steam version of MSFS2020
I had 699 aigfp files installed, but no joy in the sim, all airports are empty, after hours of trying deleted all files and started from schratch.

Deleted C:\Users\Beren\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\Traffic Files/AIGFP, but my log TrafficController.txt file tells me that there are still 699 AIGFP in the log, in mine opinion that must be empty
When opening TrafficController  it is loading the AIGFP entries.
How is that possible, there are no files at all

What have I todo to start aigain from scratch

See inserted controller file.



there has to be something at that location.. maybe some link?


Deleted AI manager and installed again, then followed setting to recreate new settings in community folder, still the same, is possible that something is created in registry



remove the Traffic Controller directories



This message could be closed, due to a stupid old mans fault it does not worked, solved problem, all oke now

Thanks for your help