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[CLOSED] AI Aircraft spawn and gently vanish

Started by Bushido, November 22, 2021, 02:34:18 PM

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What I am experiencing is AI aircraft spawn at departure airport correctly and then while you are en route the AI traffic gently vanish, nothing appears on the Map and if you fly over an important airport then all of sudden the AI aircraft spawn again (both on ground at the airport and en route)
It's a bit weird it seems like they are some kind of triger that spawn aircraft if you are within TBD nm of an airport and that AI aircraft then vansih after like 10 minutes.



The flight was from RJOW to RJAA.
I had aircraft upon departure, then nothing (both on ground or en route), then aircraft spawn near by Osaka, then nothing again and finaly aircraft spawn again upon arrival at Tokyo.

Is that the log you need or do you need the Windows event viewer log ?


yeah, i see there an issue on our end. Fix is comming with the next update