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[CLOSED] AIG Traffic controller connected but no traffic - logs included

Started by BrandonLH81, January 17, 2022, 04:21:53 AM

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Please see logs and screenshot


 What is the order that you start your AIGTC? Before or after you have started MSFS?







Like BrandonLH81, i'm having the exact same issue. I'm able to get traffic using the MSFS Live Traffic...but with AIG TC, no luck. I must say it I did get traffic with AIG TC before - maybe with the latest TC update, traffic wasn't showing at all.






I tried the steps that you told me and still, the same issue, no traffic. But I do get traffic when using sim Live Traffic and not running TC.



I too am seeing no traffic at all at any airport for the last week or so. Since I first installed AIG I have had traffic at all major airports but now zero, anywhere. I also see live traffic whether I run TC or not. I have always, contrary to the manual, had traffic at airports whether I have Live traffic enabled I could still run the TC and have an airport with lots of AIG planes. I run TC when the MSFS is set with the opening page appears. I also have TC to run automatically rather than run the Inject option.
My log shows Throw exception 7 which I do not know what it means.
It also shows I ma connected to the Sim.
When I run TC it takes the normal few minutes to load the data from my OCI beta file in the Community folder.
Any idea what this sudden loss of all traffic is?

Log Entry : 08:37:36 28 January 2022
  :Perform Update-Check
28/01/2022 08:37:36 - Online:
Start AIGTC for Simulator-Version: MSFS2020
Load Airports
   Load Scenery cache
   Load Airport cache
   Check scenery files
   Collected scenery file: 11541
   Collected airports: 38525
   Scenery cache saved
   Airport cache saved
Load AIGFP Data
   Directory: G:\JJAYC\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\Traffic Files/AIGFP
   Files: 948
Total AIGFP files: 948
Files loaded

Log Entry : 08:40:25 28 January 2022
  :Connect to Sim

Log Entry : 08:40:25 28 January 2022
  :Connected to Simulator
Opened Simconnect
Start Airport Manager
Started Traffic Manager
Started Spotter Manager
Throw Exception: 7
Throw Exception: 7
Throw Exception: 7
Throw Exception: 7
Throw Exception: 7