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[CLOSED] Ground services - Catering, power, baggage - disappearing/vanishing

Started by iceaxe, July 15, 2022, 09:51:55 AM

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Hello there!

When AIGTC is running and traffic is inside the sim, I have seen that in certain airports - eg. FeelThere's KLAX, Trog's VNKT, and WF's VHHH, VOBL scenery from and many many others - the ground services just vanish when we park into or load into a particular stand. This particularly happens when there is an aircraft beside our aircraft. I think this has something to do with the gate area. Can there be any fix for this? That AIGTC aircraft don't cause our own aircraft's ground services to disappear?

Will be awaiting Kai's or someone else's help/response. Very grateful for the same,



never saw that behavior before.. can you try some default airport to check if the issue is heppening there as well


The thing is it doesn't happen at default airports. For some reason, it only affects custom sceneries. You can try it yourself. Just download the free VNKT (Kathmandu airport) available on and you'll be able to replicate the same issue of our aircraft's ground services disappearing.



@Kaiii3 Just wanted to bring your attention to this!

This is an actual issue happening and I have waited for your help for so long. Please reply to this - you can try further and replicate this issue 100% if you want. Download the custom scenery for VCBI (Colombo) from Ensure you have Sri Lankan Airlines installed in AIG AI Manager. Then spawn at VCBI at one of the main gates and run the Traffic Controller. It will spawn many wide-bodied A330s belonging to Sri Lankan Airlines. When you are inside the sim, your aircraft will NOT have ANY ground services available and even if you do they will disappear seconds after you call them. This seems to be a BUG that our aircraft won't have any ground services with wide-bodied models you have in the AIG software. Please reply to this, I request you humbly to not ignore a pertinent issue.


It is an issue with the 3rd party scenery or MSFS itself, nothing related to AIG.
AIG Software does not interact with ground vehicles added by the Sim