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[CLOSED] MSFS: Traffic disappears shortly after injection

Started by max1806, October 07, 2022, 03:55:37 PM

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with version and MSFS, the traffic sometimes disappears again right after TC startup and injection. In this case, TC stays open and shows planes on the map but seems to be losing connection to the sim. It says otherwise but the times are not in sync anymore and the planes on the map are not moving.

There is also an error entry in the log:
Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0xC00000B0
  bei System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
  bei Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect.SimConnect.AISetAircraftFlightPlan(UInt32 ObjectID, String szFlightPlanPath, Enum RequestID)
  bei AIGTech.TrafficController.Classes.Manager.Moduls.AIGFP_TrafficManager.setFlightplanForAircraft(Leg leg, AIGTC_AIAirplane aiaircraft)


Sounds like a SimConnect hickup, does this happen every time?


Not every time, no. It seems to be occurring more often when lots of traffic is injected


observe the issue and try to replicate it. If you have found a way to make it 100% crash report here so I can test on my end


I have been keeping an eye on the issue and it is definitely related to the amount of traffic. I am currently on a flight from KORD to KLAX and the problem occurred already on the ground at KORD. After leaving the Chicago area, TC has been stable until I got close to KDEN. After traffic injection there, TC was out of snyc again. Same thing when approaching KLAX.
