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Started by petedowson, February 19, 2021, 12:59:28 PM

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Quote from: Kaiii3 on February 15, 2021, 07:18:01 PM
we might have found a new solution to this - first tests are currently in progress :)

I have been using AITC quite happily with P3D5.1.12. And I've been keeping the traffic file updated with AIM as new plans or updated plans are released.

These last two days P3D5 has been crashing within seconds of starting (displaying scenery), but with no Windows event log indicating any cause. A process of elimination of all my assorted addons eventually led me to AITC as the sure-fire culprit.

I am pretty sure it was version when P3D last ran happily, but I can't swear to it. I've not flown P3D5 for a couple of weeks at least. So I'm suspecting it's a bad AIGFP download or install. But there are 1784 PLN files and 469 AIGFP files!

Is it worth trying to find which file is responsible, eg by moving out all files after a certain date to see if that helps. A sort of binary chop of the files to narrow it down? Or is this the CTD you are currently trying to fix? Note that it isn't AITC which is crashing but P3D.

There are lots of Log files. I tried looking at the ends of each to see if there was a clue there, but if so I don't see it.

Hope you can get me flying again. I am dependent now on AITC because so many actual airlines now have AITC support. I lose a lot if I cannot run it. I assume if I need to go back to non-AIGFP versions I need to delete all the airlines using it, turn of the AIGFP option in AIM, and install them all again. Is that right?



Further to my report above, I tried also with all AIGFP files later than 5th January (so before the release of AITC) removed, with the same results.

So it seems to be the update to which has introduced this problem, which is catastrophic for me.

If you need more information please ask (it would be quicker to email me at But, meanwhile please can you confirm the method for reverting to non-AITC airline traffic, so that I can at least resume flying from my favourite airports with plenty of traffic around me?




Yes, thank you. Reply with files sent.



ok, this is very strange all...

Yes the airlines should be listed as uninstalled after removing the AIGFP.
Having no dump of P3D at all makes it more strange then it is :o Need to run some checks on my end, have you tested different times/locations?


Quote from: Kaiii3 on February 19, 2021, 05:15:49 PM
have you tested different times/locations?

No, my startup flight is fixed at EGCC, cold and dark, current time, gate 42. Then I climb into the cockpit. If I want to fly from a different airport I use ProsimIOS to reposition me to a different gate. The IOS in on a touch screen inside the cockpit.

I'd like to test with a previous version of AITC, as it has been fine for a long time. This is new.  I have, and but how do I stop it wanting to auto-update?

Anyway, I'm offline for now. Back tomorrow.



Start AIM while you are offline, reconnect with your network as soon as AIGTC Lords the AIGFP files


I have split the topic to make it easier.

I am currently at EGCC th 20th Feb 11:00 Local and no crashes. Can you check on your system


Quote from: Kaiii3 on February 19, 2021, 07:02:26 PM
Start AIM while you are offline, reconnect with your network as soon as AIGTC Lords the AIGFP files

Do you mean not connected to the Internet (AITC in  the same  as P3D5)? Is this about testing with an earlier build?

I suspect I'll get several prompts from other add-ons which want Internet access, ActiveSky for one.



AIGTC does the autocheck on startup, if the server is not reached it will skip the procss. Or you could block it in your firewall for the test.


Quote from: Kaiii3 on February 20, 2021, 10:08:31 AM
I am currently at EGCC th 20th Feb 11:00 Local and no crashes. Can you check on your system

Is this instead of trying to use an earlier build? You think it might be something in the timetables of an airline?



Quote from: Kaiii3 on February 20, 2021, 12:27:13 PM
AIGTC does the autocheck on startup, if the server is not reached it will skip the procss. Or you could block it in your firewall for the test.

So, stop internet connection. Install previous build and start it. THEN re-enable the Internet connection and start P3D5? That would at least stop me getting prompts from programs wanting the connection with the prompts somewhere on my curved screen and maybe hidden by P3D.



I do not remember any big change between the last updates that could have caused such CTD...

Try reverting back to your last version (if you have the ZIP), block TC in the firewall and see if it is working. I am currently running the latest public version to compare with my current dev build.


Quote from: Kaiii3 on February 20, 2021, 12:32:43 PM
Try reverting back to your last version (if you have the ZIP), block TC in the firewall and see if it is working. I am currently running the latest public version to compare with my current dev build.

Not sure if it's worth it, then, considering:

1. I don't have a firewall enabled, and I don't want one on that PC -- never have used firewalls or antivirus on any of my cockpit builds, only on this PC, the one I use for web browsing etc. Those things are more trouble than they are worth on a Network like mine (6 PCs involved on flying the cockpit).

2. i just tried as you said, running at EGCC today with the time set to 11:00 before starting AITC. No crash. So I closed everything down and started it all again, but this time with AITC starting with P3D (via the EXE.XML) as I usually have it. This time, again no crash (and it wasn't 11:00, more like 13:00).

So, shall I try it again by with yesterday's date and at roughly the times I tried it then? (all the testing was between 12:00 and 14:00 as far as I recall)? Is it worth it? If it is related to a specific flight in a specific plan on, say, just Fridays or weekdays, would you be able to nail it? Isn't there any logging, profuse though that might be, which could tell you the last actions and in which plan they were?

I've had nasty bugs like this which took a lot of narrowing down, and that did involve logging in stages -- to narrow it down and down.

It certainly looks like it might be a bug in a plan rather than AITC, but in that case isn't it up to AITC to check them thoroughly before actioning them?

Let me know what I should do next. I can certainly continue flying, it seems, but maybe just not every day at every time or place.



ok, the timespan friday 12-14 will give me a chance to see if I can recreate it. We do have a similar problem at some different Airport in the US at Sunday 12:00 local...

The actual cause why the Sim crashes can be very different (invalid model, corrupt tectures,..) There is a lot of stuff and without a log it is even harder to track it down ::mad:: Might take some time now :-\