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[CLOSED] No traffic at airports

Started by noels7, November 17, 2021, 08:56:03 PM

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I had AIGTECH working perfectly until I changed directory path because of 256 word anticipated problem.

Since changing directory from Community folder to C:\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta although having 324 flight plans
installed I now see no aircraft at any airport. I have tried everything to rectify the problem but am at a loss to proceed further.

Would appreciate advice/assistance to rectify the problem when time permits.



Hey Noels7,
Had the same issue and here's what I did. First, I used the "Addon Linker" tool to link the new location/path for aig-aitraffic-oci-beta to the MSFS2020 Community folder. Secondly, in AIG Traffic Controller go to Settings and change the OCI-Directory path from the default (MSFS2020 Community folder/aig-aitraffic-oci-beta) to your newly created folder. Hope that works for you.


Thanks topguy for your assistance. Tried as suggested but problem remains.
Must be something obvious that I am missing.
Hopefully Kaii3 will be able to sort it out.



I need the AIGTC logs,

moved to AIGTC



logs are indicating now issues at all ???

I am planing (finally) to release an new AIGTC today, with some fixes maybe they will solve this issue as well


Thanks for your response Kaii3 and support. Appreciated.

It looks I might have solved the problem by following your instructions :

1. Move your "aig-aitraffic-oci-beta" folder out of your community folder
2. Start up v.54 of AIM
3. Create a new folder which should include "aig-aitraffic-oci-beta" later on your favorite hard drive and choose a short path (like C:/AIM).
4. Go to OCI and hit "Setup".
5. Select this new folder
6. AIM should now show the path C:/AIM/aig-aitraffic-oci-beta as set up
7. Download some flight plan which won't take hours (Aerologic for example)
8. Stuff for Aerologic should now have been downloaded to C:/AIM/aig-aitraffic-oci-beta as set up
9. Close AIM
10. Copy your backup to the new C:/AIM/aig-aitraffic-oci-beta as set up folder  ?
11. Start MSFS and TC - no changes needed over here. Verify everything works ?
12. Delete your backup if everything works ?

I have reinstalled approx 200 flight plans and to date I have aircraft at airports I have checked.
What worries me (fingers crossed) that a computer reboot might undo all that I have achieved.

One last thing and this is what I don't understand  is that I removed aig-aitraffic-oci-beta from
the Community folder but it reappears always and reflect items and size exactly to that in
C:\AIM\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta that I created to remove 256 anticipated problem.

Can you explain why this is happening but not affecting AI in MSFS when you have the time?





for me the way with the junction link was the easiest... !!! On my first start no flightplans were loaded. i had to change the directory in the Controller as well.. New start everything works fine ..
