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[CLOSED] Traffic is injected but only a few planes on a large airport

Started by BlackS0ull, June 29, 2022, 08:14:47 AM

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I think I'm run in my first error with AIG Traffic Controller. It seems that after I'm starting the TC, it's injecting some traffic but not as a few days back. Only 1 or 2 planes which for sure is not normal for example on EGCC which is a large airport.

Can anyone help me out.

I've deleted also the ZIP file from TC/resources

I've included also 2 screenshots with my configuration and how the TC looks like after loading.You cannot view this attachment.You cannot view this attachment. 

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Apparently I'm on an older version of TC. I've just updated it and now I will let it run to see if I will have the same issues.


I think I've run in the never ending LOADING screen

Should I stop it and do some tweaks, or should I leave it like this. It's on this screen for about 45 minutes.


Stop it, and post the logs. They have changed since the initial upload.

Johan Clausen


Actually running it in SLOW-MODE it started, but no plane, no nothing and when I've entered in the settings, the PATH for AIG folder was not configured post update to the TC latest version.

I've add this and re-started and now I get the traffic back apparently. But I have to verify it.

There is much less AIR traffic (planes in the air). I mean on the ground I have traffic but on the map I'm not seeing too much AIR traffic. Possible to do something wrong?

Thank you again for your help!

I've attached a screenshot from the MAP with what I'm seeing. Very very few airborne planes :(You cannot view this attachment.

SORRY by mistake I've open a new thread with this POST. Could you please delete the other thread.



As said above. Please stop the program and attach the log files. Then Kai can see what is happening.

Johan Clausen


Logs attached.

For the moment it seems that is working, but if is possible I'm kindly asking you Kai if you can have a look and tell me that everything is OK after checking the attached logs.

Thank you a million for this piece of software. It's making our SIM more enjoyable.

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log is not showing any errors... just some internal MSFS issues. What is your decimal seperator "." or ","?


Thank you Kai for the answer. Please see the screenshot down below attached

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sure I will do after my current flight. I will configure it, restart my computer and on the first flight tomorrow morning I will open the TC again to see.

Should I notice something or is for you, to observe if it will improve something?




I've launched for several times and it seems more fluid/more planes ..but I'm not really sure if is the PLACEBO effect or something for sure changed in good :)

Thanks anyway, the ticket/thread can be closed.

Like always thank you so much for your response and support. Again, AIG software is something that I can't play anymore the MSFS without it !!!!

Later Edit:

Oh my God how many planes are now, near me :)

Check the picture attached

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The only issue what I'm observing now is that all the airplanes, are flying at a very low altitude, like under 5k feet :(

Other than that it seems everything OK


That issue is a bug in MSFS that ASOBO have to fix. And until now they haven't been willing to do it.

Johan Clausen