
AI Manager BETA for MSFS2024

Hello everyone!

It took us more time then firstly estimated, but I am happy to inform you that we have now reached a level of quality within OCI that we will be confident to share with you in MSFS2024.

This AI Manager update is a beta update and therefore users can decide if they want to be part of it or not. If users want to join the beta-phase they can download the latest Version of the AIM-Beta here:


Users can simply replace existing files of AIM to get started. We have no estimate when we will release an update to Traffic Controller, so users installing AIM-Beta to get Models and Liveries can use those only with the default Live Traffic or any other 3rd party traffic injector for now.

For those who have replaced their AIM files with the new Beta files (Version and higher) are required to migrate their MSFS2020 OCI package to MSFS2024 by following those steps:

1) Start AIM in 2020 Mode and close after it has fully loaded

2) Verify that AIM has renamed the OCI package in MSFS2020 to “aig-aitraffic-oci”

3) Copy the directory to the MSFS2024 Community folder (DO NOT COPY any other AIG directory!)

3.1) Copy-Item -Path “H:\MSFS2020\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci*” -Destination “H:\MSFS2024\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci” -recurse -Force -Verbose (Sample CMD-command, Adjust the PATHS!!!!)

4) Start AIM in 2024 Mode

5) Open the Settings

6) Navigate to the OCI-Settings

7) Click “Reset SimObjects” (This will take several minutes!)

8) Restart AIM

 9) Run a Model Update when asked

Support for any issues in our Forum or the dedicated Discord Subforum for the AIM-Beta.

Enjoy your AIG OCI experience in MSFS2024.

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One Comment

  1. Hi!

    Would be great to have an idea what is necessary to migrate the whole data from MSFS2020 to MSFS2024.

    For folks like me (I know a lot of them :-)) that do not have a clue of what Power Shell is or what exactly OCI means and does, it is hard to understand, if it is a good point in time to switch to MSFS2024 or to wait.

    MSFS2024 would be an option if live traffic would adapt the modells / paintings.
    MSfs2024 will be a must as soon as AI traffic with Traffic Controlle is possible.


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