One thing i would find very useful in the 'Online' tab is the possibility to see the number of availabe repaints compared to the the total number of aircraft included in the flight plan.
There are a lot of FP that just have no repaints at all and it's not very useful to install them because they will have no effect at all in the sim except increasing the loading time of AIG tools (and there are quite a lot of FP without repaints), as of now we need to check the detail of each flight plan individually if we want to get that info.
So if i take some current example i have in my list, the red indication is what i would like to see
- Air Adriatic GA Corporate 2024 Summer 2/2
- Avalair GA Corporate 2024 Summer 0/9
- Execuflight GA Corporate 2024 Summer 7/8
- Aerowest GA Corporate 2024 Summer 2/6
In a blink of an eye we would be able decide which ones to install, now in my list i have 100+ FP and lots of them (mainly GA) have no repaints/models so are not really useful but i wouldn't know which without looking at them individually.
Hopefully this was not already posted and it make some sort of sense ::party::
Thank you ::cheers::
no possible, because AIm does not read the flightplans from the online sources.
ah yeah, should have figured it out myself, getting rusty :D
Thanks ::cheers::