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[SOLVED] AIG Traffic Contoller and default FS2020 ATC

Started by versus, April 20, 2022, 08:55:24 AM

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Does default FS2020 ATC interact with AIG traffic when using AIG TC? Is the traffic properly separated? Is your plane vectored around this traffic?


Yes. The ATC is aware of the AI. BUT.. The ATC (and AI engine) is still in a rather bad state, and will NOT completely work as RL. So you might experience that traffic is not separated correctly according to the international standards in RL and so on. The only way to make that happen is if the AI was as smart as RL ATC is. And that is still quite a far away from happening.

But at the same time. AIGTC do try to mimic real life routes and hopefully soon also vectors and similar.

Johan Clausen


So no STAR and SID routes for AIG with TC? What type of approach and departure do they fly? ILS? Are they visible all the way eroute or they pop up and dissapear in the airport vicinity?
As i understanmd RL routes are present with PSXT and RT but no ATC interactions, right?


The sim is what it is. A sim. Not a real-life thing. Planes are not followed the whole way from A to B. The planes are loaded within a certain distance from the user, not the airport. So i.e. if you are at, let's say, Denver, planes flying and on ground within a certain distance from you will be shown. This is made to minimize the resources needed. Imagine if the sim had to simulate a flight in New Zealand, even though you are in Greenland. That would not be smart, and therefore they have a certain limit of how far away from the user, until the plane is not shown anymore. A bit like a bubble around the user. Then the plane is outside the bubble it's not shown or calculated. If it's within the bubble it's shown and calculated. This is not something AIG or any AIG program controls. This is hardcoded into the sim and can't be changed, unless ASOBO/MS changes it.

AIGTC do follow the waypoints. At least for now. So right now the planes will takeoff, and get a vector to the first waypoint, then they will fly to the RL waypoints until either the plane lands, or that it gets too far away from the user and is despawned (the "bubble" mentioned above).

Planes using the AIG AI will also get vectors to the ILS, if present at the airport, and then make an approach. At least that's what they are intended to do. There are still many things here that might need some rework to work even closely to something that might be slightly realistic. And yes. The game still don't 100% remember the restrictions on how to make enough space between the planes on arrival.

Think the AI in this game/sim as an addon that gives you traffic in the airports and in the sky. Not something that mimics RL flying or rules. Just something that gives life into the game/sim.

Johan Clausen